Characteristic  Backyard Breeder Puppy
Hobby   Breeder Reputable Experienced Breeder
Has a specific breeding goal To produce puppies To make money To supply the demand To better the breed To perfect a specific type to leave a legacy.
Belongs to and works with breed club May masquerade as a member Hardly ever Has a network of business contacts Extremely
Very active, generally an officer
Has at least one mentor Works independently, lacks guidance Not interested in breed improvement Does not specialize in specific breed Invites
Is a mentor, writes books/articles, conducts seminars
and breeds to the standard
not even know what it is.
any available stock.
on general appearance
towards the ideal
helps to define it.
Active in dog related activities (shows, trials, rescues) Often rescues only to attain more stock. Rarely attends
shows or trials
Does not need to promote establishment; sells to brokers–pet
shops, etc.
Does not need to promote establishment, sells to brokers,
pet shops etc.
Shows and trials to prove worth  Shows & trials to objectively test breeding stock. Often judges, provides seminars, writes articles, and
willingly mentors serious Hobby Breeders.
Knows the true history of the breed May share false/incomplete info Often pretends to know some. Claims that it’s not important. Studies
Impacts the breed for many decades
Sells pets with spay/neuter contract and tries to stay
in touch with new owners
May charge more for “breeding” papers Often issues papers via generic “registries” All pups sold have full breeding rights. Yes, and diligently follows up on progeny Always
differentiates breed/pet quality and insists on
frequent updates
Keeps up with health and  temperament  issues
affecting the breeding and provides in depth guarantees
May refuse to acknowledge most problems. Considers shows
and trials as too “political”.
No need to, mostly supplies brokers and pet shops Meets minimum standards as required by state law. Goes above and beyond standard requirement Maintains a solid support system –accepts  full responsibility
for  every puppy produced
All breeding stock is tested for  genetic diseases affecting the particular breed. Some occasionally may be to impress consumers. Only as demanded by consumers — may give papers as proof
of quality.
May provide undocumented paperwork for appearances sake. Intensive testing always a priority Often initiates club sponsored seminars and clinics.
Maintains carrier records on all dogs in
gene pool including effected progeny.
Focuses mostly on phenotype–unfamiliar with genotype. Often supplies broker and pet shops, records unavailable. Dogs and puppies are often auctioned off in lots, records
Attempts to continuously track every puppy produced Bases entire breeding program on extensive gene pool data.
sterile environment always maintained
may vary greatly depending on available income.
tries to maintain minimum  standards
and best organized; state inspected
“home raised with love” and well cared
Often cluttered but always healthy and mentally
longevity with any particular breed
expectations– easily  disillusioned.
Will continue as long as the sales are coming Depends on popularity of specific breeds On a mission–plans to stay for the long haul. Involved
with the breed/  breeding for decades–makes
a lifetime commitment.