Myth: Dogs become fat and lazy after being spayed or neutered.

Fact: Fat animals are usually overfed and under exercised. While some dogs put on weight after the operation, adjusting their diet and increasing their exercise will take care of it.

Myth: A pet’s behavior changes dramatically after surgery.

Fact: Neutered male dogs fight less and wander less since they aren’t interested in pursuing females in heat. Studies show spayed and neutered animals live longer, healthier lives.

Myth: A Neutered dog isn’t a good watchdog.

Fact: Surgery won’t change a dog’s protective nature.

Myth: A female should have one litter before she is spayed.

Fact: The best time to spay your female dog is before her first heat cycle. It prevents uterine infections, such as pyometra, which can be fatal, and reduces the incidence of breast cancer. It also keeps unwanted males from harassing your pet.

Myth: Preventing dogs from having litters is unnatural.

Fact: Dogs were never “naturally” pets in the first place. They were domesticated 15,000 years ago. It’s more unnatural, one could argue, to kill so many dogs in shelters each year.

Myth: Neutering a male dog will make him feel like less of a male.

Fact: Pets don’t have any concept of sexual identity or ego. Neutering will not change a pet’s basic personality. He doesn’t suffer any kind of emotional reaction or identity crisis when neutered.