Bonneville Basin Kennel Association, Inc.

Code of Ethics

This Code is designed to establish a standard code of conduct to be followed by all members of the Bonneville Basin Kennel Association in the course of breeding, selling, exhibiting, and advertising.


Each member of the Association will consider the welfare of their breed(s) when engaged in any activities involving breeding, exhibiting, or selling, and will refrain from any actions which would be prejudicial to the best interests of their breed(s) and the Association.

Every dog shall be provided with humane living quarters and personal care as well as adequate veterinarian supervised health care.

The owner shall put the welfare of each of his/her dogs above personal gain, profit, and/or personal convenience.


All members of the Bonneville Basin Kennel Association, Inc. adhere to the premise that the sole reason for breeding is the betterment of their breed(s).

All members of the Bonneville Basin Kennel Association, Inc. shall adhere to their dog’s national breed club’s code of ethics as it pertains to breeding and sales practices.


All members of the Bonneville Basin Kennel Association, Inc. shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner which reflects credit upon themselves and upon their represented breed, regardless of the locations or circumstances, but especially when attending dog club meetings or shows, whether as an exhibitor or spectator.

No Bonneville Basin Kennel Association, Inc. member will maliciously degrade another club member, their dog(s), or their kennel.


All advertising shall be truthful and ethical.  Any claims made must be provable.  Fraudulent advertising, misrepresentation, or misleading statements shall constitute prima-facie evidence of violating the intents of this Code.


Any member of the Bonneville Basin Kennel Association, Inc. may be charged with, or may prefer charges of, violation(s) of this Code by, or against, another member.  Such situations will be handled under Article VI of the By-Laws.

All members of the Bonneville Basin Kennel Association, Inc. shall abide by and adhere to the laws, policies, and procedures governing canine ownership of the municipalities in which the members reside.